Analysis and Consultancy of the OncoGenTIC project: Information Technologies and Communications on the healthcare service of specialists and patients of oncological diseases

- CénitS.
The Innovation and Talent Program (PIT), promoted by the Office of Education and Employment of the Junta of Extremadura, and aimed at hiring unemployed people under 30, combines the training of technologists with professional practices in private companies. Thus, its objective is to facilitate the job placement of young people and to enhance the skills of the Extremadura region's talent in the following strategic areas: agro-food, information and communication technologies (ICT), tourism, health, clean energies, basic research, humanities and social sciences, green economy, circular economy and bioeconomy.
The Cloud Computing, Big Data and Open Data paradigms open a hopeful horizon for precision medicine and also for new business models, which need to be explored, because it will result in both the health of citizens and the economy. The incorporation of these new mechanisms would make it possible to bring much more effective therapies to the clinical care service in a massive way, while generating the required repositories of information that could be used to apply Big Data techniques that, through Cloud services, bring the potential that all the information stored can make available to oncologists, patients, laboratories, researchers and service delivery companies that, through Open Data, can find in this project a clear application of circular economy model so that, the current lack of valuable information ceases to be an inconvenience in a short time if we start to work with projects such as OncogenTIC.
Thus, the general objective of OncoGenTIC is to analyze the viability of creating a provision of services model that, through Cloud and Big and Open Data mechanisms, allows oncologists to apply precision medicine thanks to genetic ultrasequencing and supercomputing.
- Generation and data capture: Software and clinical records.
- Data processing: ICT Infrastructures (HPC, Big Data, Cloud, Open Data).
- Data analytics
- Evaluation of service provision and business model.